Persuading the Client, But Not Upsetting Them
One day a week I walk from the North Station to the Government square. Those who know Valencia will know that it is a short journey, but with plenty of people and every 10 meters, a worker for some ONG tries to stop you. I admire and deeply respect the hard work that these young people do because you must fight with a thousand “No’s!” daily…
I know they are prepared to deal with the negative responses, which are abundant and that many of them develop great techniques to execute their jobs, but in general they are young people who have other aspirations and are not expecting to make selling their profession, but only a temporary solution.
Yesterday, between all these young people, I stumbled across one that was a real salesman and utilized all his skills to persuade me. It caught my attention and aroused my curiosity so much that for a moment I doubted if he wanted to sell me his product or flirt with me… My response: “Thank you, I do not care” and continue my journey.
Susana Sánchez
Consultora de Formación